WhatsApp groups
We have always set up a WhatsApp group for all NADEUM members and partners, and for everyone who participates in special tasks, coaching or projects. The reason for this is that special Word, PDF, and PowerPoint documents can be sent there. All those who communicate or work in these groups can then, if they scroll back, retrieve the old data, provided their smartphones allow it. Since we have noticed that some members cannot receive Word files and PDFs, we will provide some blank documents on our website for download.
NSUA-Teach f Community
[NADEUM SUDAN AFRICA – Teach for Community]
- NSUA-Teach f Community => NADEUM SUDAN AFRICA – Teach for Community, is used by the following members.
- Mr Makram Yussif Ismael, Mr Barnaba Osman Kwanjeli. And the board of HQ NADEUM.
- What is this group about: The two want to rent a restaurant in the marketplace in Kakuma Camp for their CBO ‘Teach for Community’. To do this, there are a few formalities to take care of, and we are happy to support them with our expertise, as far as Kenyan law allows.
- Since both of them have laptops, we can provide them with the information and communicate in the group without any major problems.
- What do they want to achieve with the restaurant?
- First and foremost, good and affordable food for the camp residents.
- Secondly, to provide a communication point for interested parties.
- Thirdly, to give their members a task that, as in any CBO or NGO-NPO, is voluntary. However, it is one in which you learn something. Fourthly, there will be a room where people can learn with laptops.
- We respect Barnaba and Makram’s group and admire their courage.