HellHello, nice to meet you! We, the team from NADEUM in Vienna, would like to offer you the following options.
What goals do we want to achieve?o, nice to meet you! We, the team from NADEUM in Vienna, would like to offer you the following options.
- What goals do we want to achieve?
- What is the motivation of our organisation?
- What are our visions?
- What solutions do we offer?
- What knowledge do we want to spread and pass on?

What is the motivation of our organisation?
NADEUM and his team want to enable people in Africa to realise their aspirations and goals in their home country.
We believe that Africa, despite its size, can succeed in following China and India as the next economic power. This requires the will to take all people within the African Union on board. Unfortunately, there is currently a tendency to divide society. Politics – economy – middle class – skilled workers – destitute. According to the UN, at the current rate of population growth, there will be 4 billion people in Africa by 2050. Due to climate change, this will lead to massive migrations within the continent, however, also to other continents.
>> Further information at
Ethiopia [P003], ACAPMUSSC-MYC (similar to ERASMUS+)[P004], plastic recycling [P005], peace plans and thus prosperity for many [P006].
What are our visions?
The vision of NADEUMS is to leave a livable environment for future generations. We at NADEUM, like many associations and fellow human beings, are trying to make our contribution. In Vienna, we are part of the City of Vienna’s climate team. Since NADEUM is based in ‘Neue Penzing’, we contribute our ideas.
Currently there is a consumption-free zone at the corner of Fenzlgasse 38 and Flachgasse in 1150 Vienna. Everyone can use it. Young and old use this ‘Parklet -Terazzo di Fenzi’.
Vienna wants to become climate-fit and, with the help of its residents, is actively working to implement this vision. Many committed Viennese are taking part.
Further Information at
‘Lebenswertes 1150-WEST’ [P015]


What solutions do we offer?
In cooperation with GAFÉIAS, a partner NGO in Austria, and business partners, we want to enable NADEUM members in Africa to have an economic foothold. [Since Africa, like Europe, is in a kind of donation trap of give and take, several UNHCR officials have strongly advised us not to allow money transfers.] This is because many Africans expect money without providing anything in return. Our solution: motivation for personal contribution and coaching of social skills to find and implement their own solutions.
Light your Fire; IT-Solution [P003]
What knowledge do we want to spread and pass on?
That depends on the situation.
We have an Englishman in Austria who seems to have been stranded in the EU. He is very ambitious and is also helping us with good solutions. Here, educators, regardless of gender, could contribute their experience and knowledge. You are very welcome!
African Community Action Programme for the Mobility of University Students and Skilled Craftspeople-as-well-as-Migration,Youth-and-Children


What do we want to achieve?
The aim is to encourage parties in conflict to talk to each other through partners within the UN and their network. After all, wars or disputes and discord only benefit the nations of the North. The poorer countries get into debt and, without wanting to, become dependent on the arms industry and its protagonists. Our goal is to free the African continent from its dependency on the North.
So far, we have been quite successful. Setbacks are always to be expected in the complicated world situation. Because the interests are diverse and unfortunately very often not sustainable for the future. To the detriment of entire states. Our goal is to persuade those responsible to rethink. For their own good, however, but also for the good of the entire state.
Peace better than War! [P006, P012]