NADEUM Annual Coaching Guide [P003.2]

social competence training:

Prerequisite: This is how this course in social skills begins, which is open to all NADEEM members (worldwide). (If you are not a member, you can also take this course on your own.

Trainer wanted!

If you would like a certified trainer, please contact him via WhatsApp: +43-660-7621873 [the course can take up to a year, depending on the time required and the time available to you].

All payments are to be arranged directly with the LYF-MP trainer. If you are a member of NADEUM, a reduced participation fee will be charged depending on the time required. Payment in instalments can be arranged. Advance payment per unit is mandatory.

Where to pay?

For an active NADEUM membership, an annual membership fee of € 240.00 is to be transferred to the following current account at Oberbank IBAN: AT35 1500 0041 1105 8816 BIC: OBKLAT2L

Type of NADEUM membership:

Active full membership: € 240.00; NADEUM say in the association.
Passive course membership: € 120.00; No say in the association.

Upon presentation of the transfer and our confirmation that the amount has been received in your name, you will receive a reduced participation fee. (Please indicate ‘Light Your Fire and Master Class’ as the intended purpose.)


If you do not indicate the intended purpose, we will assume that this is a donation. All deposits that cannot be assigned will be used within the association as needed.


A copy of the ID card or the first two pages of the passport is required for full membership. (The passport photo must be clearly visible.) A Europass CV is also required.

SUBSIDIARIES – Memberships

For subsidiaries – NADEUM – members, no Europass CV is required if they are taking a course. However, the subsidiary’s board must confirm that the person in question is a member of the subsidiary. It is best to have an ID – NADEUM – membership card (in cheque format).


You can register by WhatsApp to the President at +43-699-1111-1773, or to the headquarters in Vienna at with the subject line: ‘Light Your Fire – MP!’ Please let us know by SMS which course you would like to attend. Course language: German/English. All African NADEUM members pay their NADEUM membership fees in Africa.


The „12 NATURAL LAWS for SUCCESS®“ at a glance

(1) The Law of Responsibility

  • Taking responsibility means using a great opportunity. And without assuming responsibility in society, there will be no successful involvement in society. By training to consciously take responsibility for my own thinking, I recognize the creative possibilities in my own area and gain personal freedom.

(2) The Law of Learning

  • Learning through “mistakes” means improving the path until it leads to the achievement of a goal. Get out of the “error game”! Main topics in this unit are solution-oriented, constructive thinking and acting, positive handling with its environment and the acceptance of any feedback as an indicator for the optimization of one’s own path.

(3) The Law of the Will

The difference between dreaming, wishing and wanting. How a decisive will can be established. To identify his own goals, to develop a target planning, to determine the required effort and to learn to establish for oneself (and others) a strong will for activities in the first place that makes the achievement of the goal possible.

(4) The Law of Action

  • Knowing when to take action, what and how to carry out this action, is the fundament of every project. After complete planning and decision-making, it is now about coming from talking to action and to focus all energies specifically targeted in the start-up phase.

(5) The Law of Trust

  • Trusting yourself is important. Equally important, however, is that the society / environment builds trust in us! One of the prerequisites for this is, above all, reliability, which in turn is based on self-responsibility and time / (self-)management.

(6) The Law of Reality

  • It is not always necessary to observe everything as everyone sees it. But it is crucial to know how others focus on it, to learn to interact with it, and to achieve more understanding handling with one’s environment. Empathy, understanding and tolerance are key skills for a harmonious coexistence.

(7) The Law of Adaptation

  • Everyone is first of all the next one to himself. The closer one is to another, the closer one is to him. And the more you get. Conscious adaptation or non-adaptation must be used in a targeted manner in combination with a responsible approach to one’s environment. Through the conscious decision on adaptation or non-adaptation, the individual gains personal freedom and strength.

(8) The Law of Leadership

  • The fundaments of the “alpha leader” and their proper use. The right balance between “lead” & “let lead”. In this unit, too, it is important to learn the conscious use of the instrument “to be guided” and thus to create valuable prerequisites for teamwork and / or team leadership.

(9) The Law of Balance

  • Detecting a balance between “give” and “take”. The balance of body, mind and soul must be established in order to maintain the performance of the same. It is also important to comply with the compensation in relation to third parties. “If you want to harvest, you have to sow first”. Anyone who is aware that he will always have to pay for the desired person in the form of performance, resources, etc., will achieve his goals more easily and be valued by his environment for his efforts.

(10) Law of Growth

  • Everything grows through the alternation of thrust and pause. Who handles it correctly, gets the maximum out. Continuous action results in growth and success. This unit conveys the positive aspects of consistent action, the basic prerequisites to succeed in any activity (private or professional).

(11) The Law of Defense

  • Knowing when, what and how to defend successfully, gives the gentle peace of mind of self-confidence. Build up a we-thinking in a conflict situation and find solutions together that everyone supports. This unit also teaches basic skills for the harmonious interaction with the professional, family and societal environment.

(12) The Law of Utility

  • If we provide others what they desire, they give us everything, according to the value we are creating for them. Increasing the value means receiving more. Knowing one’s own value leads to a strong personality, who is able to act calmly and sensibly in all situations and shapes its own life.

Okay, great! Then let’s go one step further and directly open and edit the target finding package…

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