Social skills training and sports

Light Your Fire! [P003.1]

NADEUM Annual Coaching Manual – social competence training [P003.2]

Sports Training Baseball5 [P003.3]

Knowledge transfer – peace initiatives


>African Community Action Programme for the Mobility of University Students and Skilled Craftspeople-and for-Migration, Youth-and-Children.<

>> Aktionsprogramm der Afrikanischen Gemeinschaft für die Mobilität von Universitätsstudenten und qualifizierten Handwerkern sowie für Migration, Jugend und Kinder<<

Cooperation to strengthen Kakuma (UNHCR Camp3) through the NADEUM programme ‘Life Skills & Motivation’ > P003.1< [P004.2]

How can resources be used properly and sustainably in the future?

Plastic reduction or circular economy [P005.1]

Wasini Island (South Kenya – Indian Ocean) Recycle plastic [P005.2]

Working together to create the civilisation of the future

Peace roadmaps for Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia [P006.1]

Ethiopia [P006.2]

Syria [P006.3] *

Yemen [P006.4]

Sudan [P006.5]

DRC – Rwanda [P006.6]

Indonesia [P006.8]

Iran [P009}

Afghanistan [P006.10]

Pakistan [P006.11]

Union plans for the future: [P006.7]






Transparency SEAL for all CERTIFICATES – TSZ

8 levels of knowledge, because retailers and consumers want the same thing. Some want to sell their products, while others want to buy them. However, they all have one thing in common. They want to know how the product was manufactured. [P007]

Future orientated perspective

Future prospects: this project number was assigned so that our African members can exchange ideas here and, if necessary, develop a future perspective for their respective countries. Unfortunately, the year 2025 seems to have to endure a great deal of sensitivity from many politicians, large and small. Especially since the mostly male protagonists no longer want to adhere to their own national borders, which were defined by the UN. Apparently, some statesmen feel the need to interpret their fear of a possible crash in such a way that the outside world is the culprit, and they attack their neighbours. As a result, this planet and its civilisations have fallen back 0.3 points on the Kardaschow scale . 5 Steps could be also. [P012]

How can you support NADEUM?

Well, there are various ways to support an NGO or NPO. For one thing, there is the option of becoming an active member, whose membership fees enable the association to carry out many activities that it would otherwise not be able to do. However, outsiders can also support us on a project-by-project basis. For a while, we had an agreement with a beekeeper in Vienna that he would support us with his typical Viennese honey. Then there were always people who supported us because they liked our work. [P014]


This is a personal concern of the current president of NADEUM. He has lived in a part of the 15th district, Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus, for almost 40 years (1986 to 2025) and, upon his retirement, had to realise that this part of the district is increasingly being dominated by motor vehicles. He moved to this part of the district because it had undergone a modernisation push in 1986, however, today he has to conclude that the district has aged massively. All businesses have moved away. It is almost exclusively a residential area. There are still 4 schools and two parks. However, the parks are outside the neighbourhood and the most important schools are in the neighbouring 14th district of Penzing. This part of the district is dominated by parking spaces and narrow pavements. In 2017, he submitted a proposal to the then transport officer of the 11th district of Vienna that would benefit all road users. Then came the Covid-19 pandemic, a rather hot summer and suddenly the politicians moved. All of a sudden, it was no longer fast enough for them to make Vienna climate-friendly. Since January 2023, there has been some progress, thanks in part to the tireless work of NADEUM. There is a parklet called ‘Terazza di Fenzi’, which has cost two parking spaces. Some residents have become very aggressive. However, we had struck a nerve with the residents. Since the parklet has been there (Fenzlgass 38 / corner of Flachgasse), it has been used a lot. Unfortunately, it is sometimes misused as a dumping ground, but according to the waste watchers, this is normal in a city like Vienna, which is growing by 20,000 residents every year. There are already two cycle streets. One is on Goldschlagstraße and the other is on Meislstraße (due to be completed in autumn 2025). [P015]